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Revolution Disguised as Gardening

Permaculture is too complex to explain in a few sentences but essentially it is an ecological design system developed in the 1970's by Australians Bill Molison and David Holmgren, mainly but not exclusively used in land-based projects, immitating nature and taking into account the three basic ethics principles of Care for the Earth, Care for People and Fair Share or Sharing the Surplus.  The term is a composite of permanent (agri-)culture.  It combines traditional knowledge with modern science.

A garden based on a permaculture design is not only good for the environment with high biodiversity and high in productivity, it is also low in maintenance through complimentary planting, low cost through using recycled and locally available materials and asthetically beautiful.  Commercial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are not used in such a design, but rather it is reliant on natural weed, pest and disease controls and soil building measures.  Working with nature rather than against it is our motto!


Myself or any of our team have at least undergone a fully certified Permaculture Design Course.

What is Permaculture

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